One of the main benefits to board sports is that it’s you, the board, and the medium you’re riding on. The street, the snow, or the water are your canvas. It’s about personal progression regardless of your skill level, but that said….
Life is better with friends, and we really want to focus on community, fitness, and fun this season with a little bit of competition mixed in.
Riders of all ages/skills sign up to be on the team to progress your riding, practice, compete, travel to other parks etc. $100 / rider or only $25 if you’re a member. Sign up here!
1: WWA Regionals / Malibu Rider Tour June 22-23rd. Sign up and info here.
2: Rail Garden Rampage aka RGR, a two stop series with two divisions: Amateur and Open. Our stop is July 26-27, and the following weekend is at Action Wake Park. Info here.
3: Liquid Force “Ride W/The Pros”, August 31st. Info here.
4: Women of West Rock are planing an amazing 6 week class that will go live soon.
5: More to come…follow us on social media to keep up to date OR click hours & info on our website for up to date schedule info.
Any question? Ideas? Don’t hesitate to give us a shout/email info@westrockwakepark.com